These xans love valid?
Dose this look like some good cocaine it made my gums numb
Lsd storage
250ugs for first timer in public tmr what should I expect
How many Tec 3 will get me high
How much vyvanse to get a good body high?
I did 200ugs yesterday can I take 200ugs or double that to trip today?
Can you do LSD 2 days in a row!?!?
Weed cigarettes
How many mgs of hydromorphone would get me high
Can some one tell me the doses of hydromorphone
I just did 2.5tabs of acid as my second time and I don’t feel anything
Help is this real lsd
Dose this acid look real?
Is this real acid?
How many mg would get me fucked up
Should I pay 35 for a 400ug tab?
How do you make crack?
Dose anyone know how to make MDMA???
Dose anyone know how to cook?
What would have if you had sex with the zombies for the walking dead
Hello, I made one too!
Childhood un-ruined