Da se možete vratiti 10 godina u prošlost, što biste napravili drukčije?
Koje biljke imate doma?
Is anyone else here childfree but NOT super successful?
this comment made me feel sad for anyone who shares this experience
We should do our own study about life expectancy.
Zašto su Hrvati i Hrvatice toliko debelji u prosjeku?
What’s your void’s name?
My Acceptance Cake
Younger Lady Gaga looks dope asf
It's just not the same anymore
I see people on this sub often talk about random and personal things, so what kind of music are you people into?
Life is a stupid misadventure
Što je prije bilo kvalitetnije, bolje nego danas?
What's one amazing thing you've been able to do or experience because you're childfree?
What song comes to mind when you see this?
drop one of your “on repeat” songs
What is everyone planting now?
Why do you garden? 🌸 What made you start gardening?
My cousin got a girlfriend, got her name tattooed on his neck, dated for 3 months, gave her a promise ring and then broke up lol
What's your favourite tv show?
Ljudi koji bolesni svjesno idete među društvo, zašto to radite?
Milena Smith
Is this normal?
How do you say I’m”I’m high” in your language?
Najgore sranje💩koje ste doživjeli?