Your butt hurts when you wake up from neck surgery, and you find a used prophylactic in your hospital bed
Jumbo Dildo in the No No
Dr. Pervy’s Hands Free “Safe Butt” Proctology Exam
Butternut squash
Viewing a Hula Dance Marathon
Porn of nature
Arrowhead or JAR?
Have always wondered what this was.
“Tut Tut, You Shouldn’t Dig Up Mummy. Daddy Will Tan Your Hide.”
Yawn & Garden
A squash
Fridge clip, this work?
My cheeto puff today
Reece must be a grower and not a shower.
Those smaller carrots are suspiciously placed...
Handle with care
Don’t worry guys I’ve drinked it and it was healthy 😉
It’s a cockrrotss
This candle I found at a thrift store
While I Do it wit’ no hands
One of my bulbs was shaped a little funny