I got scammed twice look at these cool guns😔
After years of faultless service as my sidearm, she’s had a makeover with maybe more small parts to come…..last pic is of my yet to be fielded.
Best mask, hands down.
Coming back to airsoft- to gas blow back or not?
New sniper kit, thoughts?
Nuclear Option HELP
Vapor tracer unit? - Who manufactures this kind of tracer? I've never seen this before
What gun do you most regret selling?
1980 Yamaha xs850
What does this wiring do?
Here is my kz650 from 1985
Well fuck
Mudding Anyone?
Just bought today🙏
53 guns over 7 years
Somehow my headset wants to fly
Bb weight debate
Let’s see some non-M4’s
What game was this?
APFG Spear 11,5
How do you keep yourself from fogging let’s chat about it!
Camo pattern recommendations for this environment?
Boot recommendations please
help !!!!!! gift for boyfriend !!!!!!