Just when i thought she couldn't be more annoying..
I’m done snarking on Lav because she’s so irrelevant, inherently miserable, and pathetic to the point of where I don’t care anymore
No babe that’s why they do stick….she literally looks different in every photo she posts…..is she clinically stupid?
Why Hasn't this Wiki Article Been Updated?
Kalea Little/ Lavlune/sigmaphemoid/ditch_witch/bogwitchethel gets kicked from Keemstar’s YouTube stream “lolcowlive” after saying all black people are evil and admitting she’s racist.
Video of Lav shading her ex husband and rich men after bragging about marrying/their wealth for years
Have you guys seen her recent video talking about her divorce? Her comments back are….interesting…. Lav he didn’t care bc he probably didn’t know if the baby was his or not🤣
she is so fucking stupid
Oh no guys our very PUBLIC snark page has been “infiltrated” by one of Lavs friends😱 How could we be so naive 😔
Lav Talking Shit About Herself…Again
Hundreds of thousands of men lust after her and pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars- that’s why she’s homeless and lives in filth and e-begs weekly
Does anyone have tips to make this Trans woman more feminine?
Eat the rich? You are the rich. She is so out of touch. Once again, bringing up her body that “she’s never felt better in” and being self deprecating about it. But tell us again how much you “love yourself” and are the happiest you’ve ever been.
Lav is an Ashkenazi Irish patrilineally sephardic Jewish Moroccan Arab Native American Afro Latina
“I was never a prostitute”
“Let me grab my vibrator for this photo”
Botched filler
Man obsessed porn brain panderer at it again
“You don’t need to be poor to have people pay your bills- that’s just smart thinking!” Ok, because asking for tuition, saying the n word to get OF traction, and asking for Taco Bell are all giving shameless and broke to me!
Wearing pigtail extensions and pouting and talking like a baby on stream is normal behavior of a woman in her late 20s.
Tough times have fallen upon our former OF/ Indie pop star/ professional trad wife to a multi-millionaire as she is now begging men online to pay her tuition
Reminder that Lav has leaked other people’s nudes before!!!
Lav ( Kalea Little ) physically and verbally abuses her partners