RUSTMAS starts in about 10 minutes. Whatchu think?
Emulator disappear
Microsoft considered buying Facepunch
What would you like from the game to be removed completely?
Is this on staging branch?
Up up and away…
Anyone else do this to their sleeping teammates?
First look at the Lumberjack Pack Skinable Hazmat.
I need help.. So I've been playing the game for this long with my friends and we never had a good wipe in all that time.. wipe after wipe prim locked.. im starting to lose it.. Any tips? add me on discord Emis#6455
Why i can´t join my server on the aux02?
PSA: The new furnace update doesn't nerf cooking speeds!
Te subes ¿?
This HAS to change. No way this is happening on mid tier hardware. (Ryzen 5 3600 boosting to 4,1 GHz SMT off, GTX 1660s OCd, 16GB 3000MHz RAM, not fully used, Rust on NVMe SSD)
Heres some footage of a cheater on official
Gta in real life
Average Pokémon trainer center
[Question] Does anyone using TubeBuddy?
I know a few of you wanted it so I made a Pinto Issue
Please Facepunch Rethink Twitch Drops
Fanart Of My Rust Squad
is this part of the new update??? did something leak??
My friends and I always joke about how difficult it is to find a good modded server. I channeled that frustration.