All TCG Arenas 2024 with Wanderer
Maining Wanderer in Abyss for the entire year
Wanderer and Xiao in Abyss 5.4/5.5
Ifa being Anemo will enable Wanderer to benefit from the NS artifact set. Do you think he will be a 4 star or a 5 star?
Who are you all pulling for in the future
Why indeed, I do have a shrine in my bedroom, but its dedicated to my Scaranara :D
Cleared the event with C0R1 Chasca(I refuse to pull Mavuika)
[5.4 Mikawa Event spoilers] Could it be? Ain't no way...
Wanderer and Ganyu in Abyss 5.4
People keep telling us to stop talking about how bad Natlan’s characters are or how they keep releasing boring generic waifus. But why? Our first Harbinger with an amazing story didn’t even become playable—are we just supposed to ignore that? Act like everything’s fine?
Can C0 Wanderer clear the current (5.3) abyss?
3x Welkin giveaway for Wanderer's birthday!
Character Trailer - "Mavuika: The Vow of Blazing Blood"
Haha archons go brrr
I still need to work on my Rotation, but I am extremely pleased with my new, permanent Anemo core for Overworld exploration
Got "C6 Wanderer at home" during new event
What team did u guys use for the other half of Abyss
Some screenshots 🥺❤️. Any recommendations of the most beautiful places I can go to take more pictures of this stunning boy?
After 3+ years of playing the game, I've decided to build my Amber
Any C0 Wanderer mains 9*ing Spiral Abyss 12?
Dendro guy’s weapon and vision
Hat Guy as cheerleader
Would this team be good for scaras dmg and freeze
He Will Come Home
So after 16 months since he released