When syringing my wisdom teeth, white grainy stuff came out.
Minecraft Beta & Preview -
An old friend (@kozsen_810290)
Rosé tastes like weed to me
Stolen from Pinterest
Who tf is shouting in the dorm
In your opinion, what is the worst smell in lab?
anyone else just having tons of fun scaling mobs up and down in Java? it definitely opens up the possibilities for more fantasy in the game
I’m going to be living in a place with no microwave or fridge. What can I do?
Anyone notice that when you get burns on your eczema it heals up?
I have hand eczema. What can I do to mitigate the damage on my hands?
Just got my first internship at a lab. What things should I know or learn?
[Humor] First bite of the season and it’s on my eyelid 🙃
Do female cave explorers wear chest binders?
Does anyone else feel weird that they’re competing against their classmates and friends?
The fear and mold in their voices
Triple or Quad?
Foods you have been surprised by how FEW calories they have?
Is this a black widow? San Diego California
Dad left rehab early and drank again
Do you have to make an appointment when applying for a new passport?
Never forget
Trader Joe’s hash brown, vegetable dumpling, turkey bacon, and American cheese