S2 length
Curious. What are your guys interpretation/thoughts on the meaning of this sequence/these panels
Does anyone know exactly where these are from
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[US-MD] Random Lot of Cards [H] DRNM, Afterburners, Solemn Judgments etc. [W] Paypal
[US-MD] Getting Rid of Random Lot of Cards [H] Engages, Backrow Removal, Kozmos, Mines, Etc. [W] Paypal
[US-MD] Lot of cards trying to get rid of [H] Sky Strikers, Kozmos, Cosmics, Kaijus, etc [W] Paypal
[US-MD] Random Lot of Cards [H] 1st DASA Engages, Kozmos, Leavianeer, Cosmics, etc [W] Paypal
[US-MD] Random Lot of Cards [H] 1st DASA Engages, Selene, Kozmos, etc. [W] Paypal
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[US-WA][H]Binder, sealed [W]Trades and PP
Help finding gf necklace for bday
[MD,US] Binder [H] Handtraps, Dark Ruler, Levianeer, Strikes, Pills, Endymions, Kozmos, etc [W] DUDE Ogre, DUDE TCBOO, Crystron Halqifibrax, Accesscode Talker
[MD,US] Binder [H] Handtraps, Endymion Stuff, Strikes, PKs, Orcusts, Kozmos, etc. [W] Striker Stuff, Accesscode, Side Deck Stuff
Request thread
[US] Binder[H] Ultra Zephyros, Ogres, Strikes, Endymions, Orcust Return, etc. [W] some DUDE stuff
[US]Binder [H]OG Unicorn, ultra Zephyros, Strikes, Endymions etc.[W] Shared Rides, Prismatic Stuff etc.
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[US]Binder [H]German Unicorn,Ultra Zephyros, Strikes etc.[W]CashApp,Borrelsword,Pankratops,Judgement
[US][CA]Binder [H]Denkos, Reboots, Strikes etc[W]Striker Stuff and PayPal
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surelee's Feedback Thread
[US][CA]Binder [H]Lanceas,Kaijus,Denkos, Strikes etc [W] Striker Stuff