Do delivery drivers also work on click and collect?
Bad design?
Manual entries
does bro just not exist? is judge schizophrenic... is it all in... le head?
Anyone else have that one customer that is seemingly deliberately awkward/argumentative?
[all] Do I miss anything by listening to the audiobooks?
[Request] Which porn star / model makes you hard till date even after jerking off to her for years.
How did he know?
Customer had in total 5 huge signs saying deliver all packages to side door then got mad I didn’t take it to the front…….
I text you these on your way home, which one has your cock twitching? 1,2 or 3?
Hi UPS employees why is my parcel moving further away from its destination?
Delivery Drivers
Help the game won't start!
Evidence Secured
Volume of weekends
say yes if you want some nudes
flashing at work
I love this game
Drop your age if you'd fuck with no condom
Chinas Age in MfoM
Starbucks girls have the best ass
How often can you cum in a day?
Why wear clothes when we can be nude 🤔🫣
Would u fuck a 19 year old?
My ex told me I was too fat for him :(