Best place to get the CMF knight of the yellow castle (at a budget)?
Every Known Kyber Crystal from Galaxy's Edge! Cut, Voice, and RFID
Lego BaM haul
Building armies is such a good time
King's Road Ambush, with medieval machine gun
18 hours of Blender rendering!
Is Lion Knights’ Castle worth it?
Creator: Summer 2025 wave info (from LMF)
Quick to be suspicious of others or quick to trust others?
How i see each type, personal experience.
Lloyd's forest dragon compatibility?
Another Weapon Wednesday!
High Priestess Ava Dawnwatcher — The Celestial Domain Cleric
Dwarven sepulcher MOC
Torso with potential for custom faction - Saw this torso and thought it looked interesting for an elf faction. Thoughts?
Castle Greenwood
Does anyone know what torso and legs my orc has? I got these parts at Bricks and Minifigs
Castle evergreen's wall WIP
Shower thought
A beer for your travels? - happy universal Lego day.
Cassandra, The Human Illusionist
Weekend Warriors
Are you supposed to snap off both the end rods and place them in the barrel?
Basic medieval houses