Car mechanics
Freshly painted!
Finally got my dream car!
Chill weekend
Not an Impreza, but basically. 2015 XV Crosstrek.
Just got a second hand and I would like some advice :)
Drop em below 👀👀👀
Almost banana time 🍌
Second hand car NL
Buying a Second-Hand Car in the Netherlands – Anything I’m Missing?
Need help on removing malware
What should I do with this
Burp Suite community vs OWASP ZAP
Years of Pentesting, Feels Like a Waste
Is This Part Time Pen Testing Plan Realist Or Am I Just Playing Myself?
What was the tool used to open hotel the door in Ep 4 S 1?
masterhacker strikes again with metasploit and encryption
How bad is WPA2 Enterprise with captive portal for a company in today's world?
Gonna uninstall sudo and replace it with pacman soon
Thinkpads worth it?
Getting By Defender with Amnesiac
My Minimal Debian Install
Been busy hacking into the White House sever this evening......
My setup
Best Red Teaming Course/Material Recommendation?