WARFRAME 1999 seriously?
Thoughtabout the Oull voidtongue word
What is in Tau that has the orokin so obsessed with it? Why is Wally protecting it?
So why are the Murmur/Albrect Bots weak to Radiation?
Are the Tenno... an organization? Is there a hierarchy?
He's so nice he let's birds and mice feel his claws
What the actual hell is this.
“In my restless dreams, I see that twink…” “gay gay gay you’re gay you like boys”
favorite SAW quote?
i love my cat too much is this normal
I don't really feel great about having Ordis around anymore
Just wanted 5k Endo to finish ranking Primed Reach, ended up staying to farm a bit extra
Grendel was a bit hungrier than usual today...
“Jigsaw’s actually really nice to Dr. G” No. Here you can see he’s too selfish to share his cancer patient Oxy’s
My fiancé and I agree that our Drifters' canon romance is each other. Happy late Valentine's Day!
POV: You’re about to tell the MR 9 to hurry up
Saw Mickey17 last night....
Mickey 17
Octavia wears a wig (PROVEN)
Qorvex is about to risk it all…
Should we tell him?
When saryn is suffering in the suffering chamber ™
No Dagath don’t do it!
My (mostly finished) orbiter!
Fun fact: Protea is exactly 1 Drifter tall