(spoilers main) Would Robert have married lyanna if she survived
Which English monarch(s) could you beat in a fight(or at least try to beat)? Could you beat up your flair monarch
If Aegon II were not married to his sister who would have been a good match?
Who do you think was the most morally depraved monarch?
How tall was Emma of Normandy we have her remains
The only known photo of one of George III’s children
What modern president deserves a monument like this?
Most successful son of Ragnar lodbrok
Which UK monarch was the worst parent
He's really gonna win this time isn't he
A special chair made for Edward VII so he could have sex with women without crushing them under his weight.
Opinions on Edward VII?
Day Ten: Ranking English Consorts. Katherine Howard has been Eliminated
Who was/were Doran, Elia and Oberyn's father/s?
What do you think Lionheart and Saladin would make of our current ‘situation’?
(spoilers main) who was the better king Theon Stark or Garth vii goldenhand
Who was the better ruler Alfred the great or Charlemagne
Edgar the peaceful was the shortest English monarch he might have been shorter than 5 foot
Opinions on the 3 male consorts of Britain?
(spoilers extended) why do men take their wife last name when they inherit in westeros
It's weird how difference England is seen in these wars
The Conquest - The King Who Flew, by Anabel Rossi/@mayet_artist
What are your thoughts of Henry III?
Could George v have declared himself king of Jerusalem after the British took it during ww1
Which character do you want to play the most in fallen eagle rise of Islam 632