Over one million damage done in Operations With Flagships - is this close to any record? I'm not very active in the game anymore, I honestly can't tell.
Since I won't be able to really grind more vehicles until the upcoming anniversary sale in late october due to work, here's how far I've come. Really looking forward for that -50% SL discount to compensate for my gambling losses.
Su25K BR change
M2000-5F total countermeasures reduced from 168 to 64
Mig 23 MLA Counter Measures Missing.
harrier gr7's flares dont work as usual, anyone else experiencing this?
Mirage 2000 countermeasures set-up is completely bugged right now
MiG-23ML can carry only a total of 12 CM after today's update, I found nothing of that in the changelogs. Is that a bug or intended?
Article image perfectly explains Sainz situation
What's the biggest Fail investment you did or missed out on?
Quesiton: If my Shimakaze is the only rank III vessel in the entire game I own and get the "Random Talisman" for tank III vessels, will it go 100% to the Shima or can it be appiled to ships I don't own?
Casual 9 Kills Game Kfir C.7
Since when AA-20 Nord can pull like a R-73, and auto tracking?
So after a bit of tomfoolery in the designer, I have made the final version of the AOS5, or the Mastiff. Needs a bit more details but I think it looks alright. Id love to hear your thoughts about it
S-51 for 5.7 Soviet Union. Because we need more derp cannons.
So guys, whats your preferred method of grinding? Mine is Air sim + scrap Mechanic!
Gaijin, Flare-chaff seperation launch why not?
2023/10/20 - DCS News - Halloween Sale | DCS 2.9 Out Now | Two New Campaigns!
Tips on first FF model pls
Battleship Yamato and its 12 boilers. [1080x645]
Battleship Yamato boiler and engine layout
Steam turbines of the Yamato class battleships. [1080x645]
Saw the G-LYNX today
In which vehicle have you got the Highest no. Of Frags
The evolution of my tank line. What started as me trying to make a interwar British light/medium infantry tank to me taking said hull and both enlarging and sloping the hull and turret.