A couple more wont hurt.
It’s close enough to a god pack right? First 10 pack on this set.
Can’t beat the E4
What are you guys playing right now?
I'm grinding for the E4. Should I keep Swoobat? Or do I trade it out for something else?
Cartoon Network's 2010–13 era (probably) have the weirdest shows they've ever aired.
How would a spar between them go? What do ya think?? Pan vs.Himawari
Serious question: HOW IS THIS GODDESS STILL SINGLE IN BORUTO?! Are the men in Konoha blind AND stupid?!
Um, is there a way to fix this?
Total = $30, hinge is a little loose, but I’ll take that micro sacrifice for a mega deal
Lmao you guys are something else
Bought my first PSP. Let's just say it works...
Finally a worthy God pack
Feeding snakes in an ophidiarium
Kawaki being the most annoying character
Which version of Goku can the Big 3 beat?
How strong is Post-Rose Meruem compared to the Naruto verse?
Should we get the Delta Emulator for the Android?
Accidentally Beat the Elite Four
What could I get for this 3ds? It comes with Super Mario 3d land and it comes with a case. No scratches on the screen.
I Can Never Open This Game Again
Recommendations please
My first PSP 3000!
If she asked you to play a game of beach volleyball what would your response be