Jackie Robinson’s Make-A-Wish type visit with my grandfather and friends in Brooklyn, NY.
In honor of the re-revival on Broadway this month, thoughts on the movie ?
Why would it not be in order?
Could R-Truth have a similar heel turn to John Cena at the end of his career?
Tracy Morgan wheeled out of MSG after throwing up
New York Knicks. I sure hope Tracy Morgan is ok.
TIL: in 1995 the night before they were due to perform in Denver, someone stole Radiohead’s tour van with their musical equipment.
Popcorn meter hijacked by shills
Collateral - What do you think happened to Max?
Saw this guy dressed up for St. Patrick’s on the Las Vegas Strip
Do people not realize the things they do?
The High Line, Washington St @ Little West 12th, 1984
Long shot but anyone find a wallet?
Riches to rage
Local arcade won’t cash in my thousand tickets because they stopped giving out prizes. They said “Tickets are just for fun.”
Sewing needle broke
Laying out still damp shirts and found these guys
Watching the NBA on ESPN. They just had a commercial for Allegra. All I could think about is Allegra Sacrimoni. How often does something from everyday life make you think of "The Sopranos"? Coke and pizza? ETC
My walk home the long way
Letter H on my daughter’s puzzle is definitely an eagle not a “hawk”
Are you gonna stop doing coke deals with your jerk-off fucking cousin?
Okay, I officially have a tiny shadow following me everywhere. What should I call him?
Name for our new addition! Please, no "Oreo".
People ahead of us at security brought a cake through security
Have you seen The Hunted (2003)? I think this movie was awesome thriller film. Fast paced and action packed. It has the same vibes like First Blood and The Fugitive .