Dear men, if you're looking for a GF, I kindly suggest you to get the f**k out this subreddit 😊 There are other subs for this.
30years old male from sweden skellefteå.
29/M Sweden - Guess I finally is getting my life in order
28M From Sweden spring is near would love to talk
What subreddits are beginner friendly?
18F Attracted to Middle-Aged Men - Anyone Else Feel the Same?
Petey’s hot streak continues, as his shot goes off the post, off the back crossbar, and back out to score. Refs had no idea it went in, and Höggy buries it in for a second goal in 5 seconds.
Don't judge people on whether they open the door for you, judge them on whether they open the door for the elderly woman behind you
Would it be a shitty move to dump him over text if he’s always to busy to see me?
[41M] what things should we do this weekend? Most disturbing one wins.
26F need English speaking friends
advise on this
Is having an occupational preference valid?
If the internet, video games, smartphones, and tablets were never invented what would you be doing with the additional time?
Why Don't I Like The Idea Of Being Set Up With Someone?
Feel like I’ve come a long way
Should I continue seeing this woman?
ELI5: If there are species that survived many extinctions, why aren't they more evolved than us?
What’s the best relationship tip you can give that creates healthy relationship?
What (yearly, monthly, weekly) maintenance costs little trouble, but makes a huge difference?
if you could erase one thing from existence, what would it be and why?
What is the best book you've read?
What kind of things you do to cheat the system?
Why do you think houses are only ever haunted by people from the Victorian\American civil war era? Why are houses never haunted by some bank manager from the 60s?
What's the fastest you've ever gotten the ick from someone?