There’s not a single admiral feat better than this btw
lodeercity (oc)
Who wins and what diff?
1143 Color Spread
Oden glazing is reaching unfathomable levels
Admiral's and yonko aren't close
Who could possibly be strong enough to scar Ben beckman?
The reason bluey is so popular, aside from it just being good, is because everyone is tired of negativity.
Why people like bombickel way more than bombaily even though both of them have around the same amount of screentime?
Why is nobody talking about these votes 😭
Do you think it’s morally justified to beat someone up for vandalizing your car?
People have to accept that Oden didn’t nearly beat young kaido but PRIME 40 year old Kaido. No one calls current Shanks “ a young Shanks” so calling Kaido “young” is just cope by Kaido fans
Can these 2 take on the one piece universe if thier powers scaled to one piece power system
As long as Warcury keeps his head down, kaido aint doing no damage. Join the agenda
Yonko’s VS Admiral Debate Is Stupid , Why Do Yall Even Discuss It Anymore ?
“Prime” This seems like more of a word used to downplay later iterations of characters than a way to quantify strength nowadays.
Why was Justin fired?
"Donald Trump is really good looking" - Andy Warhol
I can fix her
I don't know if this is a hot take but...
anyone relates?
Losercity death
coaxed into online harrassment
Every top tier ducks Kaido, he is on Roger/WB level.
You pass a person in a white lab coat who resembles a scientist, who is also wearing a cross on some piece of jewelry. What’s your initial judgement of them?