The robe started breakdancing and killed us all 😭
Theoretically, what's the strongest champ/item/augment combo that can actually be obtained in arena?
Bravery doesn't feel like it's fully randomized
rhino stack
Path of Exile 2 vs. Path of Exile 1 Monthly Player Data [Information]
I might have downloaded too many QOL mods
Bravery not Randome
Anyone else stop before Aquilo?
My Arena Wishlist / Suggestions
Sometimes playing Mel feels like cheating
Oh so that's why it's called fulgora
Embracing the Spaghetti (6000 pink science/min)
There is No Excuse for Bugged Team Planner/Emblems for Multiple Patches
Average Luigi supporter
He's back
after 480 hours of poe 2 and 10 years of poe1... the time has come
Everything seems pointless now, why even have half the systems anymore?
Does anyone else make legendary iron on Nauvis? (1200/min)
The Case for an In-Game Auction House in Path of Exile
Im not very interested in cosmetics when everybody with the pass gets the exact same ones
opinion: Im not very interested in cosmetics when everybody with the pass gets the exact same ones
Sona is League's most misunderstood champion, and I am tired of reading stupid takes about her.
Why does Runaan's Hurricane NOT spread Last Whisper??
Enemy units STILL show wrong numbers (biggest strategy game in the world btw)