I putt ‘wrong’ but it’s working. Should I force myself to change form?
It seems every club has some guy who had a falling out with the club and no longer participates in any club events. Why?
First throw out of the car…
Help with disc golf in NC mountains
What are your best pegging strategies?
What's the strangest/most surprised first ace disc you've heard someone get?
What is one thing in the US that is constantly getting worse day by day?
whats your most played game?
Why? Just why?
North Cove
A private investigator is contacted with a job offer, and asked to come to the penthouse suite of a skyscraper.
Leave your fuckin snakes at home
Don't forget that Depopulate doesn't work as well when your opponent has Skullspore on the field
What is your most embarrassing disc golf story?
How to pronounce "pone"?
Bad luck?
Those of you who bag…
What would you pick for a 5-disc bag set up (putt, approach, mid, fairway, driver)?
Does anybody know what this is?
The long con worked
What's the coolest wildlife you see at your local disc golf course?
Locals who got out of the restaurant industry
Found hole 2
What’s your least favorite ingredient to work with and why is it eggs?
What are some shallow putters?