Hunters Meal
For those that have finished WaT, how did you fill that WaT-sized hole in your soul?
What’s wrong with Shallan?
Reading plan for the Stormlight Archive.
Anyone else...
What nickname would the stormfather like?
Oathbringer and Guilt
Songs that best describe stormlight characters?
Why do people like kaladin and dislike shallan
[RoW] Moash victim choice was a bit predictable
Stormlight fan cast thought
Next Read?
Would you prefer a movie adaptation to be..
What we're your thoughts on...
Getting into the series: big picture synopsis?
Quick update on Shardplate costume: New pauldrons and gorget.
RoW scene straight from anime
My local brewery has a beer named after the Reshi Isles
Stormfather and *Spoiler*
My little Windrunner
My midterm notes from class today.
My attempt at pattern (tips to improve?)
Graphic Audio or Michael Kramer?
Why did Dalinar not use this solution for bridges?
They used what they had at their disposal.