Sewing pattern for pj/ lounge bottoms
Promijenila mi se kemija u mozgu. Postala sam nesigurna, opterećena i duboko nesretna osoba. Zašto?
Why is her bed so damn high?
Does anyone watch Susie J Todd?
Moms insta story
Is this not normal in Germany?
Teambuilding activity for 10-12 people
I used to be a big fan of Sam. The podcast really ruined my perception of her. I thought she was funny and relatable but her comments have completely changed my mind!
Anybody down to make a little girl friend group?
Today’s podcast
Best place to live near Munich (40 mins commute to Hbf) for young family?
What is the best way to improve German?
Foreigners living in Germany. What is in your opinion the most german thing that germans don‘t realize is only a German thing
Ich brauche unbedingt neue Serien