Bernard Still has Potential (Small VERY Small but still there) Potential
Jay Nakamura Fans, Your Girl Nicole is Setting Him UP for A ERASURE/ B Villain Arc
DC Pride 2025 has been properly announced/solicited
DC Pride 2025(Spoiler)
Nicole Maines teases Dreamer as love interest for Jon Kent.
I can’t get the Hall of Djalla to save my life
The ending of NYX and X-Force
I wanna discuss these books🫶🏽, which is your favorite?
Describe Hannah in one word
I Feel Lonely as a Jay/Jon Shipper Right Now (Swipe Right To Grieve)
I Feel Like a Broken Record but IDC Sakura & Chika look just alike!!!!
Do you think we'll be able to customize Coen?
Hear Me Out…… Since We Know He’s Coming….. If He gets Intimacy Rooms….. Huey Should be a Switch!
Do We Know/Who Do You think Turned Coen?
Brencis made them wear it
Which character is the best written one?
Emily is more hurt by Jessica than Mike: hear me out.
More previews for the upcoming Secret Six coming March 5th. Punch her Jay!!
Some people argue Sam is a bland character,so i had an idea to rewrite her and give her more character development.
Jon and Jay were so cute this issue. Can’t wait for Secret Six I’m even more excited!!
There is no sexy and mature woman like Miranda in this game and the female characters wear male armor😔
3 Weeks later, how do we feel about this skin?
Chika & Umemiya have one of the most Interesting yet Confusing Relationships
I Have No Idea where I want them to go with Mass Effect 5