Is Godfrey meant to be much harder to beat than Radagon and the Elden Beast?
What tank should i buy with 8000 bonds?
[Lesta] "Captured Maus" - T9 Russian reward heavy
Preparing for Tarczay
I undertook this invaluable train experiment so you don't have to.
Sale on equipment and food
Going to have lots of fun with this thing :)
Everybody believing this is real on the front page.
Big homies get scrubby scrubby time
Nobody will pen K-2
Aufwertung... beinahe...
My first mini!!! How can I improve?
How cooked is bro?
Prototipo 6 is kinda good
The Kyn Need Artillery! How can we be a self respecting dwarf without Artillery teams battering any foe into our firing lines! But come on GW, give us some heavy weapons teams, give us our own bassilisk, I dont think any Xenos have a equivelant yet!
TIFU and bought terrain for ants.
Eine Frage: Warum?
Which one melta man?
Dad confronts his kid's bully in school
When did you start to read ?
Is Blender a good start to create 3d models of tanks i wanna create for 3d printing purposes?
Is it possible to buy a tank, and then cancel the purchase within few hours?
new boxes xd
Why does such a hard to score card only grant one point?
Some of you would flip out if you read The Road or A Canticle for Leibowitz
Na, wer von euch hat die Wahlbriefe versteckt?