Offering to teach English!
Seeking: English Offering: Spanish
Here is another angle of my freeway violation.
who's your favorite music artist?
¿Qué hago? Ayudaaa.
Vamos a compartir, ? Pongan sus títulos de videos nopor favoritos
¿Qué algl raro que te excita?
Why do you stay single?
Hombres, que sientes cuando una mujer se sienta en susu piernas?
Pregunta! A Los Chicos Les Gusta Que Las CHICAS En El Sex Sean Sumisas o Dominantes ? 🔥
I need the help of english native.
Uncomfortable with your first language, anyone?
Do you think your native language is hard to learn?
Should I get my phd?
People of Reddit, why do you NOT want to have a dog ?
I need friend of another nationality.
What method are you using to learn your current language?
What made you feel happy this weekend?
What positive things have you learned from watching porn?
What's the best advice about sex that nobody knows?
¿Cuál ha sido la excusa más estúpida por la cual alguien te dejo de hablar?
Chicos,cuál es la mayor pendejada que an echo por calentura?? Xd