Is Little Freak about Louis Tomlinson?
What is One Direction’s most majestic song?
Its a Holiday- Larry mentioned
LT3 theory
Describe Niall Horan poorly
Describe Tyler, the creator poorly
What's the biggest red flag in your crush
my parents wont get me therapy
What's your favorite song by Louis?
why do we all assume we're going to live until 80-100
Would you like it if your crush approached you first?
what are hints from girls that guys notice?
What are hints that guys notice
How to show a guy you like them?
how to show your crush that you like them
having a crush is physically painful
What are your most favorite Liam solos?
You probably have unintentially saved a life at least once in your own life
What would you tell your 16yo self?
What hints do guys give when they like a girl?
do guys dress to impress?
how to dribble between legs
i wash my face with literal handsoap
how tf do i get my crush to know i like him?