Stay away from CoinBase (almost criminal behaviour)
Wtf is wrong with coin base
Don't use Coinbase
Account locked and being ignored by support ($35k balance)
Are these real? Apparently indicate Nicola 'liked' posts by a domestic abuse charity, and a friend offered somewhere 'safe' to stay?
What's everyone buying on coinbase atm?
Does the English word "Sia" translate to "moving or help" in Hebrew?
What is the most common view held by Muslims on Buddhism. Do you consider it Idol worship?
Carbon-14 analysis refused on dinosaur soft tissue?
Does this Y Haplogroups map prove we couldn't have come from Africa?
Favorite Argument for the existence of God?
Is it wrong if I refer to God as Allah?
Is it adultery to marry a divorce even if they were divorced through "sexual immorality"/"fornication"?
Short Answers to Simple Questions | August 16, 2023
What was Colores of Lampsacus critics of plato's republic?
Short Answers to Simple Questions | August 23, 2023
Short Answers to Simple Questions | May 31, 2023
Can anybody find a quote or link me the reference that Colores of Lampsacus made in terms of his critics of plato's republic?
What is the oldest evidence/refrences for Zoroastrianism/Zoroaster?
Was Judas A Christian and subsequently betrayed Jesus?
Countries with marriage equality (according to the hrc and equaldex)
Do I have to forgive just because "god" would want me to?
Another disproof of the Creationism theory.