Trump official's promotion of Tesla flops as shares sink again
Musk is broke
The show Friends sucks
What seems to be overpriced, but in reality is 100% worth it?
Could you imagine non-ironically being interested in whatever gets said here?
Pierce Brosnan was the best James Bond
Forrest Gump is a terrible movie
I think the entire world should go on strike on a one week on one week of basis until corporations and governments improve quality of life for everyone.
Former Waymo head explains why Tesla robotaxi is not ready
What’s a car where the AVERAGE person will say “WOW”, but a car guy will think “Eww”?
If Musk wants to sell Tesla cars to conservatives, Tesla needs stores and service in red states
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
For those of you still get rock solid consistently beyond your 40s, what would you recommend a guy in his 20s to start doing?
AITA for berating my friend for not having collision insurance on a new car?
The toan is in the popcorn lung
Hot take, Brakes are Cheaper than clutches, Downshifiting unnecessarily costs more money
What makes the US so rich and powerful both economically and militarily? Is it their land size?
Test came back and I have low testosterone…but I don’t have the usual symptoms for it? Should I consider TRT?
WIBTA if I expose my SO's affair to her affair partner's SO?
What was the 2008 recession like?
Overpaid for a car?
Prediction: Elon Musk will step down as CEO before end of July
China Cools on Musk: ‘Two Cars for the Price of One Tesla’
What did my mom get done at the gas station?
What is something that’s considered normal by society that you refuse to do?