BEST MAGE in Star ocean 4?
Turn-based computer-controlled teammate games
Lets talk Teams
Should the series be reissued for ps4 and ps5?
Better Gust PS2 RPG : Ar Tonelico II vs. Mana Khemia
Worst character in star ocean and why?
Why didn't any of you tell me The Last Remnant was made by the same team as SaGa?
Jrpg that will leave me feeling empty when the credits roll
What are JRPGs that are about the concept of human sacrifice?
As a Stella appreciator watching the recent post about Blood of Thoth
Is Monster Hunter Stories 1 worth giving a try?
Royal Ludroth Viable?
If you could add anything to this game, what would it be?
Am I the only one who read the ending this way? (Spoilers, obviously)
Base Monster in MHS1
Do Sci-Fi RPGs with actual, immersive alien playables exist?
Looking for a Straightforward RPG
Dragon Quest 3 has a simple but amazing story
DQ3 HD-2D Remake: "Base Luck" and Physical Damage Variance, Ailment Resistance, and Critical Rate
Patch 1.0.2 Released
HD-2D Remake: Is Fight Wisely OP?
Monster Wrangler Luck Stat
Opinions on Strongest to Weakest Investigator in each Class
Can you "fix" Luck by going through Gadabout?
Elemental Odyssey trophy at 99/100 progress even after finish aerodynamic trophy