It's Just a Photo It Can't Hurt Bro. Meanwhile The Photo:
Evolution question
Finally got it!!
I hate this stage with my whole heart
I give you 100000 diamonds, but you had 10 mins to spend it, what would you buy?
I’m getting dog walked does anybody have any tips to deal with 30% speed while using aqua and storm buff?
Is Rukia rare? and what is her value?
Very funny
Which chapter is this from?
Anime Rush (Server in description)
Lucky! And unlucky... How low can Elyssia spa go?
Ainz or Elyssia
first unique lvl 76 should i be happy or not chat
Who is the best hybrid bleed unit?
Js curious for what i can get for this
Should i evo Sorcerer killer or Snow reaper?
Finally she's arrived!
I rerolled my curse on my Elyssia... Is it better?
Should i keep this cursed? (i have iron knight no shiny unique in this photo iron knight shiny has cursed)
Dumbest stuff ever my account was hacked and I had to make a new one like 2 weeks ago how long do I have to wait
Out of EVERY trait in the game, i got the one that benefits me the LEAST
Holly crap is this good
Yes, I have a bias