What is the worst skin in the game?
What games do you think I play
Show me your Forsaken memes/funny images, I'll start:
what's your favorite chase theme??
pls somene teach these chance mains how to use hat fix 💀
send a goofy screenshot for us all to rate (image related)
i have 23 hours and 55 minutes of playtime so i made a [ very controversial ] tier list
throughout the heaven and earth, i alone am the lifeless one
stolen from the server**
When is the update dropping!!?
How do you play this game
can someone tell me how much is it in days?
found this shit on shorts
What are you all gonna do for march 18? (gif semi-unrelated)
1 minion > 2 sheds
I see it... The skill issue!
Someone has probbably already suggested this but since i havent seen it then hear me out on this builderman skin
i give up
c00lkidd + OO7n7 like whar
I've missed my walkspeed override for the last time
I play too much forsaken i forgot i had a pizza in the oven
Blinded by nostalgia
I was banned for some reason and I want to know if there is any way to find out why.
the prediction god