Once you hit level 150
new(ish) player wondering which weapons to unlock
And... a third one for the Automatons this time... The Dread Digger
Since everyone is complaining about the game ending too fast now
Reasons one and two why I will never have Zealot master of war despite being a Zealot main.
1.4 is great, community still sucks
Update bricked my game somehow
Scav mule + NPC's
I love the new patch.
Man, 23, died from 'catastrophic' spinal injury when he fell 12ft to the ground after friend pushed him off safety netting in drunken Topgolf prank
Have they fixed stealth and enemy AI/detection yet?
Hero Changes Overview 1.4 Predecessor
What is the game that got you like this?
Do people genuinely solo play ranked in this game to Paragon?
How cool and awful would it be to add a giant shrieker
Bug seen from the television, corpse has been seen in the Gloom, on FORI PRIME. It's gigantic and has numerous rows of teeth. Appears to have hardened top shell.
Want to know sub’s opinion on this
Why does Utah seem to hate Unions?
Constant disconnecting
I have a tactical advantage
I'm something of a mortar myself
Your uber driver, John HellDriver, is awaiting your pickup
My BIL painted my set for me and I wasn't expecting this level of detail and quality.
Why do people claim the demo but dont play it?
Wth First time I see that