Coda boss fight.
Is Glaive Prime still a good weapon after the Technocyte Update?
I Turned my Ember into a spider
what do i need to do after finding the corret one?
Meet Nihlus the Turian Spec— Dog
Ill be collecting these like they r fucking pokemon cards. LOL
First tecnocyte coda and already got a ephemera
Thoughts on the new Coda Ephemeras?
Nothing unique. Just the badass aesthetic of Umbra. [Excalibur]
My [Mag] and [Drifter] with the Zarina Ephemera
If You Were To Be In Warframe, Which Character Would You Like To Be?
My Sister is afraid of space travel.
How good is HATE?
Best Kavat to use?
I hate the new war quest
Is paracesis worth building
After you subsume, what frame do *you* load into?
So I’ve played The New War for the first time last night and…
Preperations for profit taker
After five or six playthroughs (and having 100% the game in the third one) I’m doing a first person playthrough
SHOW ME YA DRIFTAH - Saw a comment the other day saying it's hard to make a good looking Drifter, so show them your drip 😤 I'll start:
does anyone else...
My [Gara] has rocked this color scheme since the Second Dream.
Ceramic Dagger
How do you tell which Rivens are worth keeping?