Beans plushie
Is the ferretsoftware stream viewbotted?
Patch Notes Thread
Over 13 months... At this point we call it vaporware?
Heartbound Studio Update - Jan 2025
Why does the game have so many negative recent review?
WOW Hardcore Dungeon Run Megathread
Excuse me, what?
Chat Moderation/Bans
On the "deep nonsense" that is antiwoke
I was today's years old when I was removed by my favourite streamer.
Ban Happy Streamers
Can someone explain the music Mr. PirateSoftware chooses for his shorts on YouTube? In my opinion, it's unsound and overly quirky.
From Ashes Comic 27: Our First Town Upgrade
Avoid Actual Pirate guild servers
Did Thor go to college?
Are paid discord pirate username colors going to come back?
Does anyone else notice the quantity of shadowbanning happening on stream.
Piratesoftware Retires
Happy Retirement Lord Commander
Is there a list somewhere of Thors hardware? (monitor/mouse/keyboard/speakers/cam etc)
Is he European or does he just wake up really early to stream?
For everyone wanting to learn how to write better stories!
Latest Twitch vods gone
Pirate software old interview 💀