How did yall feel about this
That's crazy 😳
Lip trying to adopt Xan was honestly one of the worst and most annoying arcs of the entire show
How often do you forget these two are actually uncle and nephew I'm the show
I almost redeem this guy after he got Liam in private school....but then I remember he lost him in a bet. Still a rear noble moment from Frank..... he also burned a house down in this episode
Who has the worst story arc of the series
What would happen to the gang if Dutch Died in that bank robbery and Hoesa Survived with the others
Hear me out... I legit don't feel like Micah knew this was coming. I honestly think he had another plan and Colm outsmarted him. I mean just going by Colm's dialogue alone. Man had a plan to get the law involved and everything. Micah is a rat. But not at that point he wasn't.
Currently on season 6 episode 7 looks like Liam (Maybe Chuckie) is really the only innocent character at this point? Are any of these people gonna redeem themselves at some point?
The economy in RDO definitely doesn't make since for the time period. But I'm not going to complain about it because I know it's all going to GTA 6
If it was Charles instead of Lenny, would the pain hurt the same, more, or less
What’s y’all think about Ms. Grimshaw?
Not my Creation! My first thought: Anybody that hates molly more then Dutch should have they head check. And who the hell likes Javier that much. What is this
I know you can beat the game in weeks. But it wonderful how many months Arthur would have to go thru irl to get that point
Best way to ruin a horsemen challenge run right here
Two things blew my mind last night
It's the only right answer. Sadie would be boring asf. Sorry
Who has the best theory on what happened to Karen
Second greatest game created (of course #1 is san andreas) on my fourth playthrough and I'm still discovering new things. This game is a masterpiece!
Hands down favorite mission of the game. I love that "take me home girl" line
After that cold blooded second encounter with Mrs. Downs, I mean...... the guy kinda deserved it (Arthur)
It was long and slow but it serves as a tutorial and introducing to gang members. I hate when people say this and the epilogue was boring. IT SERVERS A PURPOSE. If you don't like story driven games then why play the game.....
You had to be born in the early 90s or have a deep passion for games to appreciate GTA 3. I may consider it the weakest link. But this really was groundbreaking shit upon is release.
Fucking definitive edition makes supply lines even more harder. The made the fuel go down slower but I swear I could control the damn thing better on the old version. Still pretty good game so far
Here we go guys! Brace yourselves!