Are there any steels you feel scuffs and scratches add to the aesthetic?
Is it extra rare if it’s packaged upside down?
atmos or simple 5.1?
Always wondered, difference between these 2?
Recommendations for Rug Tape on carpet?
All Lodge members
Ah, so thats why they have locked doors
So what is this exactly and where should I place it?
The creepy sound if you blow the candles out
Picked these up the other day
Not a steel but saw another member with it.
Which version for a first timer?
Basic Laptop Recommendation
Finally back in stock on Gruv
Which movie bombed at the box office but you absolutely love?
I thought this could be a nice screenshot and then...
Why did Audyssey turn the levels down on every speaker?
Are you safe or are you fucked?
How do I know which one to pick before seeing a movie for the first time?
Witcher 3 has the best voice acting in all games I've ever played
Which is cheaper
Which one of these should I get?
Please HELP I’m trying to buy my S/O a present!!!
How do I make the soft garlic cloves with greek baked chicken?