Japanese to learn as an ALT?
Who was the new champ when you started playing league?
Name 3 books you really enjoyed, and someone else will recommend a book they think you might like based on those
Wonder if their first show will be the horny unicorn
Canada Post let someone took my expedited, registered package
Hardcore Survivor
Denmark's postal service to stop delivering letters
Trip Report: 1 week in Kagoshima, Kumamoto, and Miyazaki Prefectures
Some things never change.
Is this true for us too?
i made the forbidden pudding tower… 🍮
Tried out a to go sushi place (Aburi Box)
Fries lovers, what’s your go-to dipping sauce?
[i ate] an OTT All The Chocolate Cookie
Weekly Complaint Thread - 13 February 2025
Wife here. I need help putting my husband off the idea of buying a new computer!
Caregiving/Nurse services for hire?
[Homemade] Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Year without pay
What’s for Dessert woes
Button to go ''OFFLINE'' or ''Invisible'' to friends within League
Chapped lips that won’t heal. I’ve used blistex carmex aquaphor everything but they split like this and the cracks very deep. Please help!
The best tonkotsu ramen I ever had
Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival