leyla ile mecnun
So far this idiot is my favourite
i cosplayed a wired lain to con but everyone thought i was from LiS so i changed to pedobear lain;3
im so sorry
Is my art style & overall design bad?
day 1 of the lain wall
Facebook memories 2 days in a row! This is 2009.
Schizophrenia iceberg, is there anything you would like to add?
What do y’all think is the best Noodle Phase Design?
En azından denedim☝️☝️
These showed up in my FB memories. What a time
Models for a Short i'm making. Thoughts?
Frumpy Bean
a "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" Fancast.
So deep
SallyFace Cosplay 🩵✨
Dream Björk collaboration?
Favorite character that has you like this.
What does He have planned for us?
I’m late to the trend, but always wanted to do this so guess my instrument!
Need some thoughts
toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri
Nietzsche olmasa şu an modern toplumda nihilizm kim bilir kaç kat daha güçlü olurdu ama bugün popüler kültürde Nietzche'ye nihilist diyorlar inanılmaz bir ironi değil mi
Bazı insanların değer algısı aşırı saçma değil mi?