WIBTAH if I break up with my fiancé after he said he won’t take care of me and our 3 mo old son while admitted at the hospital?
She holds out on me for months and then when I get mad about it she says relationships aren't about sex. It's been 4 months. Is this normal?
I want to go to the gym, but I am to introvert and scared to do so.
Is this interaction between my adult cat and 3 weeks kitten okay?
If you're girlfriend said this, would it upset you?
Best "I hunt, you build!" Co Op games?
a post for riot and all the women in the valorant community
Gaming pc randomly slow Amd wont run anything
Is the IT job market just as bad as the SWE job market in Computer Science?
Am I being quietly fired?
AIO for ending a friendship because his girlfriend read our conversations?
22M—Fiancée left me, dropped out temporarily, feeling lost. What now? [Discussion]
Old dude trying to start gaming again. Confused about installation methods.
A game where I can just... vibe. Exist. Be there. No stress at all.
The fact that they haven’t shown anything from the Jeju Island arc is a good sign.
Email Delay in Outlook
Is re-awakening only way for a hunter to grow stronger?
What Do We Think About the English Dub Kargalgan Voice?
Musk brings fingers together in meeting for the millionth time to create a sense of intelligence
Quit weed last weekend, life massively improved.
I don't understand what happened in this scene am I the only one
Accidentally deleted [KCD2] save, please help!
Mail App and end users
Trump just froze Title I Funding. Are Title I teachers screwed?
Narrowed down my issue with USB ports not working on Dell WD19TB - it is related to an issue with Intel USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10. After researching a bit, there doesn't seem to be a fix, any last suggestions?