Found this silent hill 3 demo disk ps2 (pal) just now at a thriftstore. Cannot find much about it online.
Found this silent hill 3 demo disk (pal) just now at a thriftstore. Is it worth anything?
First comment gets a gb
What was the hardest thing in your collection to find?
My RPG journey has begun
€100 deal @ local thriftstore!
Today's catch, I got it pretty cheap.
Two blue things arrived today
Need to know asap, real of fake? About to buy.
Is this Pokemon Leafgreen legit?
Is this Pokemon Leafgreen real?
Pokemon Leafgreen
Wat zou jij doen? Veel in het gesprek is gelezen door verkoper maar vaak geen antwoord terug. Ik ben een beetje sceptisch in deze:
I had peanut sauce the other day...
Bought loose copy of 'Legend of the river king 1' and 'Blaster master enemy below' for the gbc (PAL) for €88. How did I do?
Stukje context: nadat ik aangaf wat het waard was, was er ineens na een bod van 100 en 105 euro een bod van 175 geplaatst. Weet niet of dit een echt bod was maar.mijn inziens niet met dit als gevolg:
Current Gameboy game collection! Am I missing anything?
Got sick of explaining UC so I just send this now
Would you have paid €40 for this? The webshop had a less damaged photo on their website. I think it is still a good deal tho. First photo is from the webshop and second photo is what I got.
Anxiety about blood/stool results
Ordered a Legend of the river king 2 (pal) loose cartridge for €40. Is this a good price?
Is this legend of the river king 2 cartridge correct and how it supposed to be? I am from europe and a local webshop is selling the game with this picture on the webpage:
Found at thriftstore together for €80!