Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
Thank you all for the laughs and some advice. Yesterday was my last day a single man.
Never thought I’d have one to post, but here it is!
who actually liked this flavor back in the day
Millennials who look young for your age, what's your secret? What do you do?
What phrases were repeated by students at your high school, and when did you graduate?
Where would you live in Columbus if you didn't care about schools?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
How do you want to die?
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
What are you addicted to right now?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Why do so many women have this exact same line in their profiles? Do they think men find it cute or funny?
So what’s everyone keep their furnace at tonight?
How to use wet wipes properly in the bathroom?
If you take your pet to the Ohio State Veterinary ER, get a second opinion if possible
What made you lose a lot of weight?
Best Old Fashioned
Are there any Chess clubs in Mansfield?
Dear Columbus City Schools
What is the title of the current chapter of your life?
I’m a slightly above average, maybe 7/10 woman, in her early 30s. This is 6days worth of likes.
Am I "unhinged" for wanting to move to Columbus?
Park Predators, Anatomy of Murder, or Down Darkeast?