Dear Kuro, Please Let Us Toggle Resonator Sequences On/Off!
Choose 1 strongest dude to nuke the infinite floor in Whimpering Waste
Hand over those memes
Use this relic if you want to aim for at least S Rank in WhiWa
Devs hear you, Whiwa too hard? Well, adjustments are on the way in 2.2
Calcharo the bomberman 😂
12 Different Brant Builds vs Thundering Mephis
What do you call an annoying cow?
About 2k~2.1k tuners drained and it's still so ass 😂
I Have 450 Reasons Why I Love carlotta 🩷
Hi guys who do you think has the biggest assets in the game (just for fun)
If only we had a banner for her❤️
Out of all of these options which would you rather have the most
calcharo intro (after liberation) frame by frame is THE coolest ever
Best Calcharo companion?
Give your suggestions to feedback
We have the opportunity to right what was wrong
I'm doing my part
One piece reference
Changli hits the sub10s thefloorislavanohitanyspeedrun% challenge on crownless
Zani's key earring?
Oh... you're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming right to me? Even though the databank tells you I have a high resistance to fire??
Brant is a must-pull for casual players. Holo D6 FONR