Should I Tell the Guy that Stood Me Up What Happened
Terrible Day, I made bad decisions
For people that have thought about attempting suicide before, what stopped you?
I feel so good and I don’t mind (i’m manic)
Anyone hear voices and still able to keep a full time job?
Update: No Longer having Harmful Voices
Scarred I am Going to Hurt People
Anyone else rocking a similar trio?
Figured out what triggered my schizophrenia-Edibles
What’s the most unsettling feeling a human can have?
Broken, Soon to be Unemployed.
Starting Over from Recovery
delusions of causing harm
Thinking About Voluntary Committing myself
Psychotic Break
Sexual Harassment, Extreme Trigger
I feel I was Sexually Assaulted
Coworker constantly Misgenders me
How is everyone actually doing?
Any resources for Haywood and Jackson Counties?
Quitting Vaping
What is the least sedating antipsychotic ever?
Depressed after Sex
What Kind of Work Do You Do?
Who has schizophrenia but still smoke weed