Looking for the Blizzard Artist Behind these Concepts
Phœnix lords & aspect warriors: shrine or craftworld?
Did we Let the Covenant Find Halo in the First Mission of Halo: Reach?
What even is elune??
What is this decoration? Is it a weapon?
More codex leaks
Characters confirmed
Iyanden Autarch. Crazy conversion.
Dark Reapers Rocket Freehands Very WIP
I'd like to see a Aspect warrior Battleforce box for the Eldar, as the eldar haven't had a battleforce box yet which makes me sad. Anyone have any info on this topic or thoughts?
1990 Dark Reaper Exarch idea was to fire the entire missile pod at the badguys
Can exodites have aspect warriors?
What am I Getting Wrong About Painting Eye Lenses?
First Guardian Test Models, Which Color Scheme?
Finecast Autarch Complete!
Fulgrim and the last Crone Sword
Ten Thousand Projectiles in an Online Game?
Something from the trailer that I haven't seen mentioned...
How is Eldar armour being powered?
Do Aspect Warriors ever show loyalty to their Craftworld?
Is there a way to make Guardian defenders more interesting?
biel-tan storm guardian, pretty sure i'm changing to altansar
What happened to the Wraithlord
Autarch Kitbash and Painting