People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
What is a harmless, yet controversial opinion that you have?
From your friends, at tha Badda B!ng
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened during sex that your partner was super cool and understanding about?
Who is she (wrong answers only)
Why can we twenty-two, thirty-three, fourty-four and so on, but we can't onety-one?
What music album is, "Oops, All Bangers" to you?
What album to you is, "Oops, All Bangers?"
Who is your favorite female metal singer/musician?
Who is so deep in the closet with their sexuality that they're finding Christmas presents?
What is the most painful thing you've ever been told?
If a schizophrenic person was hallucinating and seeing things that weren't there, if they recorded video while they were, and watched it back, would they see the hallucinations on video too?
I know that stereotypes are a thing and inherently negative usually, but is there such a thing as a monotype equivalent?
What is the most backhanded compliment you've ever received?
If a zombie apocalypse happened and you became one, what remnants of your former self would stay with you?
2 months ago I made a post here after being 1 month sober from smoking weed and my life wasn't in a great place, but today I'm 3 months sober and my life is going better than it ever has.
How does my brain know I forgot something and knows that information but doesn't know what it is I've forgotten, only that I have?
Your favorite actor is now in a new movie starring their best and worst performance, what kind of movie are we looking at?
How different would a work/life balance be on a planet with more or less hours in the day?
There’s gotta be something to use these for…
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
What is something more people should be flexing on, but aren't?
No description needed. FFS.
Is there a finite number of ways a persons face can look from a genetics standpoint?
What's something you do that makes a lot of people think you're rich?