Theres so much stuff I could say about this manwha but ofc I'm gonna get attacked
What anime is this?:
Oh no not Wattpad
Why do you like Lena so much? 🤔 (I don't dislike her but she isn't in my top 5 - genuinely curios)
A real depiction of proportions in romance webtoons
Hyped anime you didn’t like at first but ended up enjoying later?
Top 5 animes you've ever watched
Looking for some romance with male mcs
A common thing in romance you hate?
How do you feel about MLs with facial hair? Here’s mine!
😍 My Fav Webtoon Couple 😍
Which anime got you back into anime again?
Which webtoon on hiatus has made you go like this?
Send a webtoon cover which had a twist u never expected. No spoilers please! - The season 2 final surprised me so much that i reread the whole season [sauce: Like mother, Like daughter]
Can you recommend me some great straight modern or historical romances?
webtoon that everyone else hates but you love?
Anyone know what happened to these comics? It's been a while since all three went into hiatus
I love when a unique looking ML drops 😍
What anime really took you a few tries to get into ?
Oh no he’s having a gay crisis 😱
Which webtoons left you feeling empty after finishing them?
You guys don't want a story, you want wish fulfillment (Rant)
Me when I see another hate post on this subreddit about towaf or cobyb
Webtoon that you think has the biggest plot twist?
Do you Think that it's over for CFC guys?