A compilation of the best OWLmatches, by season (with links!)
Emotional Smut
Book Recommendations
Your favorite detective / mystery / crime shows?
Rewind Discussion - Case 134: Martha Puebla
Anxious people, are you ever able to just not handle certain things because it triggers your anxiety and makes you feel ill? Did Lexapro help with that?
Case 310 - Kalinka Bamberski
Steam Spring Sale Megathread - March 13-20
In movies and tv, a character never decides to terminate a pregnancy. I hate it.
Rewind Discussion - Case 133: Tom & Eileen Lonergan
Case 309: Lindsay Jellett
My gf beat the shit out of someone who broke into her house
OOP lies to her boyfriend and spends his birthday with friends. OOP is now in the Find Out stage - blocked and ignored
I haven’t heard from my 23F boyfriend 26M since last night. How do I get him to communicate?
Rewind Discussion - Case 107: Lucie Blackman & Carita Ridgway
Rewind Discussion - Case 108: The Kicevo Monster
Rewind Discussion - Case 109: Belanglo
Rewind Discussion - Case 110: Muriel McKay
Rewind Discussion - Case 111: Shauna Howe
Rewind Discussion - Case 112: Rachel Barber
Rewind Discussion - Case 113: Brendan Bernard
Rewind Discussion - Case 114: Elisa Claps & Heather Barnett
Rewind Discussion - Case 115: Operation Cathedral
Rewind Discussion - Case 117: Hannah Foster
Rewind Discussion - Case 118: The Chicago Tylenol Murders
Rewind Discussion - Case 120: Bill McGuire