Is hack fly ok
The Ray_C skin is ruined by the drawing of him
Could you guys take a look at this build a give me some advice?
Why does my game get terrible frames?
Why can PC play with Console?
What would you guys think of an OP that can use their pistol while down?
What skin + charm is this? Is it only for Devs?
When can we receive the October Twitch Prime Packs?
How much most Ops have a lack of good skins?
Whats this reggae song?
If you say you don't snap your fingers when Dokkaebi does you are a liar
Why does Alibi's decoys match her skins and outfits.
Why does Lesion look so bad?
I feel like Vigil can be more useful
Vigil has no right to be such a well written character
Does anyone else feel like they made alpha pack spins less likely to get?
Caveira op pls nerf thank
Can we get something to do while we are bored like inspecting guns in CSGO?
Has Everyone Forgot about the Twitch Prime Pack???
Epic, What Was Your Thought Process?
v5.21 Patch Notes
Vaulting all ranged explosives for a day
Epic Plz Wednesday 08/Aug/2018
Can we get more simple, good looking, interactive pickaxes like this??
We need more universal back blings