47 Garchomps…
If they did make a FFX remake.. would you guys be for a remake of the old combat / the modern combat of the FF7 remake or just the old combat..
LF Dragonite
He’s about to use banishing blade
PsBattle: Baseball player spraying water on a bat
Any help?
God Packkkkk
GA LF: Kangaskhan, Nidoqueen, Eelektross, Raichu, Vaporeon, Lapras, Gyarados, Flareon. FT in images
LF Articuno
LF: 💎💎💎 Kabutops, Lucario, Bastiodon, Kangaskhan, Serperior, Togekiss, Luxray
What If Instead Of Whistling, Tidus Taught Yuna How To Griddy.
New playthrough after many years
There goes my luck, hope to see you again!
Is it even possible??
Looking for friends
30s M, UK gamer Add
What presents do you get your parents for their birthday?
[Dead Island 2] I do not know about this game
Did it in less than 30 minutes. I'm in shock.
BBQ farming Y9534P
(Spoiler) There's a second hidden treasure of the Indigo Disk waiting on top of...
Was asked for a red and blue version of my last Post, here it is!